
On behalf of our members in Greece, the International Maritime Union (IMU), we are pleased to announce that registration and hotel bookings are now open for the FONASBA 2024 Annual Meeting.

The plenary section of the meeting runs from Wednesday, 16th October to Friday, 18th October, preceded by the Executive Committee meeting on Tuesday 15th (members only) and Evening Welcome Reception, and followed on Saturday 19th by an optional excursion to Epidaurus, Ancient Corinth, and Isthmus.

For more information…


ECASBA’s 2024 European Seminar will be held in Funchal, Madeira on 15th and 16th April, supported by AGEPOR and the Madeira maritime community.

Madeira is one of the largest cruise destinations in Europe, as well as a major cargo hub in its own right. The ECASBA 2024 European Seminar will therefore provide an opportunity for ECASBA members to discuss both European maritime developments, including single windows, customs reform, the cessation of the CBER for liner shipping, the forthcoming
enhanced border control systems, and issues of importance to the Madeiran maritime sector.

Full details of the seminar programme are available here.

Monday 15th April:
14.00: ECASBA Advisory Panel (members only)

Tuesday 16th April:
09.00 – 18.00: ECASBA European Seminar (open to all registered delegates)


Registration and hotel bookings for the rescheduled Antwerp Annual Meeting ARE NOW OPEN. The plenary section of the Meeting runs from 23rd to 25th May, preceded by the Executive Committee meeting 22nd (members only) and the optional excursion to Zeebrugge and Bruges 26th May. The delegate programme can be found here.

A revised website has been developed to provide all the relevant delgeate and partner information and host the online registration and hotel booking facilities. It is now live at: Despite the passage of time and increasing costs, the registration fees and hotel rates will remain unchanged for the May meeting. The closing date for online registrations and hotel bookings is Friday 29th April.

NAVES are continuing to monitor the changing situation in relation to health and travel restrictions and will keep us all updated. Belgium is now on code Yellow, which has seen the lifting of most COVID restrictions, including the need to wear face coverings and to use the COVID Green Pass. A further reduction in restrictions to code Green is expected before the meeting starts.

The website should provide all the details delegates and partners require to complete their registration and hotel bookings and plan their visits but if there are any unanswered questions, the NAVES team can be contact by email at:

NAVES are once again getting ready to deliver an unforgettable Annual Meeting in Antwerp and we very much look forward to a high level of participation at first face-to-face meeting since Miami in 2019. We look forward to seeing you there!

FONASBA Virtual Annual Meeting 2020

FONASBA’s virtual 2020 Annual Meeting plenary programme will be delivered as a series of webinars,  starting on Wednesday, 9th December with the first meeting of the newly-formed “Inspiring our Future” Committee, led by Raymond Troch of NAVES (Belgium). The role of the new committee is to provide input to FONASBA on developments in new and emerging technologies in the ship agency and ship broking sectors and to guide and support associations in ensuing their member companies can take best advantage of the developments to enhance the range, level and scope of the services they provide to their members.

Registration for this webinar is now open. A link can be found in the flyer,  which can be downloaded here or via:


This will be followed by the plenary meetings of the Ship Agent Committee (13th January 2021), Ship Broker Committee (27th January 2021) and will conclude with the European Committee – ECASBA – on 10th February 2021.

Further information on the programme for each webinar will appear here in due course.

All the webinars are open to all and registration is free. Details of the registration process for each webinar will appear on this page ahead of the event.

A .pdf copy of the webinar programme flyer (see images below) can be downloaded here.

ECASBA European Seminar 2020

Held as part of European Shipping Week 2020, ECASBA’s European seminar took place at the NH Berlaymont Hotel on Wednesday 19th February.

The presentations given at the seminar can be downloaded as .pdf files using the links below.

European Issues Update: The traditional opening presentation summarising the issues currently being addressed by ECASBA, presented by General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS

ECASBA Position Papers and Action Plans – presentations on two of the subjects covered by ECASBA’s newly launched position papers:
Customs Action Plan: Presented by Hilde Bruggeman, – coordinator of the ECASBA Customs Working Group
Recognition of Agents: Presented by Jean-Pascal Bidoire, ECASBA Vice Chair

Digitalisation and Innovation, the impact on ship agents:
“Port +”: Presented by Jan van Dooren, this is an introduction to the Antwerp-based port-call optimisation and data sharing facility
“Innovating Together”: Presented by Raoul Tan, an overview of the extensive digitalisation projects being undertaken by the Port of Rotterdam

The European Single Window Projects:
Three presentations by the European Commission:
The EU Single Window Environment for Customs: Presented By Zahouani Saadaoui, Head of Sector, DG-TAXUD
The European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe): Presented by Jukka Savo, Policy Officer, DG-MOVE
The Impact of the EMSWe on Customs: Presented by Marco Marsili, Policy Officer, DG-TAXUD

The EMSWe: the industry view: Presented by Capt. Peter Langbein and Bastian Güttner of BSMD, Bremen

FONASBA Teams Up with Breakbulk again for 2020 Conference Schedule

FONASBA has once again linked up with the organisers of the Breakbulk conferences to allow discounted participation to FONASBA members at the following events in 2020:

Breakbulk Middle East: Dubai, 26-26 February
Breakbulk Asia: Shanghai 18-19 March
Breakbulk Europe: Bremen 26-28 May
Breakbulk Americas: Houston Date to be confirmed

Details of all these events can be found on the Breakbulk website at:

Any FONASBA member wishing to take advantage of the discounted delegate fee should contact the Secretariat at:

FONASBA Annual Meeting 2019

Registration for FONASBA’s 50th anniversary Annual Meeting is now closed. Any questions related to the meeting should be sent to the Secretariat,

Forum Africain Des Ports 2019

FONASBA is pleased to support the Forum Africain Des Ports being held in Tanger on 4th and 5th July. Additional information on the event can be found here or via the event website at: We are pleased to advise that members of FONASBA associations that wish to attend the event can benefit from a 30% discount on the published fees.

Any member wishing to attend should contact the FONSABA Secretariat for further information.

Oman Infrastructure Conference 2019

FONASBA is pleased to give its support to the 2019 GCC Supply Chain and Logistics Conference which is being held in Oman from 7th to 9th October. Details of the event can be found here.

FONASBA Supports Panama Maritime XIV

FONASBA has agreed to act as a supporting organisation for Panama Maritime XIV, which is taking place on 17th to 20th March 2019 in Panama City. Further information can be found on the conference website at:

The organisers have offered FONASBA members a 10% from the  the current Early Bird fee of $400. (excluding 7% Panamanian sales tax).  This offer ends on 10th March 2019.

Registration as Delegate is available online at:

Delegates should indicate they are FONASBA members on the registration form and the discount  will be applied automatically. The conference organisers will then contact delegates directly with further information.

FONASBA Teams Up with Breakbulk for 2019 Conference Schedule

FONASBA recently signed a cooperation agreement with the organisers of the Breakbulk conferences to allow discounted participation to FONASBA members at the following events in 2019:

Breakbulk Middle East: Dubai, 11-12 February
Breakbulk Asia: Shanghai 20-21 March
Breakbulk Europe: Bremen 21-23 May
Breakbulk Americas: Houston 8-10 October

Details of all these events can be found on the Breakbulk website at:

Any FONASBA member wishing to take advantage of the discounted delegate fee should contact the Secretariat at:

CMA Shipping 2019

FONASBA is pleased to be a supporting organisation for this year’s  Connecticut Maritime Association conference, CMA Shipping 2019, which takes place in Stamford Ct. on 2nd to 4th April.

Full details of the event can be found at:

Representatives of FONASBA member associations, and their company members, who wish to attend CMA Shipping 2019 can benefit from a special discount on the registration fees. Details of the offer can be obtained by contacting the FONASBA Secretariat at:

FONASBA Supports Transport Events Conference Programme 2019

FONASBA is pleased to support the series of events being held through 2019 organised by Transport Events Management.
The timetable of events is as follows:

  • 16th Trans Middle East: Kuwait, 29th – 31st January
  • 10th Philippine Ports and Shipping 2019: Manila, 19th – 21st February
  • 21st Intermodal Africa: Djibouti, 19th – 21st March
  • 1st Caspian Ports and Shipping: Aktau, 14th – 16th May
  • 7th Mediterranean Ports and Shipping: Casablanca, 25th – 27th June
  • 8th Black Sea Ports and Shipping: Constanta, 9th – 11th July
  • 17th Asean Ports and Shipping: Phnom Penh, 10th – 12th September
  • 3rd Baltic Ports and Shipping: Gdynia, 22nd – 24th October
  • 22nd Intermodal Africa: Douala, 26th – 28th November

Further details on all these events can be found at:
The event organisers are offering free, full access, entry to 15 FONASBA members free of charge. Any member wishing to apply for one of these free places should contact the FONASBA Secretariat ( as soon as possible in order that they can be duly registered.

Previous Events

FONASBA Annual Meeting 2018

FONASBA’s 2018 Annual Meeting took place in Cancun, Mexico from the 16th to 20th October inclusive, hosted by the Asociación Mexicana de Agentes Navieros A.C. (AMANAC).

Copies of the presentations given at the meetings are available for download from the Members’ Area.

FONASBA Supports Seatrade Maritime Middle East Awards and Conference 2018

FONASBA is pleased to once again support the Seatrade Maritime Middle East Awards event in Dubai on 28th October 2018 and the Conference being held over the following three days.

For more information on the Seatrade awards, please visit:

The Seatrade Middle East conference is being held as part of UAE Maritime Week. It is expected to welcome over 8,000 visitors and over 200 exhibitors, together representing more than 90 countries. The free-to-attend conference sessions will cover key themes including: autonomous shipping and automation, fuels of the future, digital and cyber technologies and environmental challenges.

Further information can be found at: To register to attend please go to:   

ECASBA 2018 European Seminar Barcelona 4th/5th June 2018

ECASBA held another very successful European Seminar in Barcelona on 4th and 5th June, hosted by the Asociación Española de Consignatarios de Buques (ASECOB)

Copies of the presentations made at the seminar are available in the Members’ Area.

FONASBA Supports WISTA Americas 2018

FONASBA is pleased to join with our colleagues at Centro de Navegación in Argentina in supporting the inaugural conference of WISTA in the Americas which is being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 18th to 20th June 2018. A copy of the event flyer can be downloaded here and further information on the meeting, as well as registration details, can be found at the event website at: FONASBA wishes the event every success.

CIANAM Annual Meeting 2018

The Cámara Interamericana de Asociaciones Nacionales de Agentes Marítimos (CIANAM) will hold its 2018 Annual Meeting in Costa Rica on 26th and 27th April, hosted by the Cámara Nacional de Armadores y Agentes de Vapores de Costa Rica.

As in previous years, FONASBA is pleased to support the event, which will be attended by our member associations in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the United States, Uruguay and Venezuela as well as the other members of the Cámara. FONASBA President John A. Foord FICS will participate in the event and join CIANAM President Mike Ogle of the US and Edgardo González, President of NAVE, the host association, in opening and closing the formal meeting.

We wish Mike Ogle, Edgardo González and all the CIANAM delegates and participants a very enjoyable and successful meeting.

The programme for the 2018 Annual Meeting can be downloaded here.

19th Intermodal Africa Event, Beira

FONASBA is pleased to be a supporting industry organisation for the 19th Intermodal Africa conference being held in Beira, Mozambique on 27th – 29th March. Full details of the event can be found here.

FONASBA Annual Meeting 2017

Delegates representing 32 Member countries and 3 Club Members attended the 2017 Annual Meeting in Dubai, hosted by the Dubai Shipping Agents Association. FONASBA was particularly pleased to be able to welcome representatives from its two newest members, the Republic of Congo and Sudan, who were only elected to membership in the  week preceding the meeting.

Also present were observers from the Arab Federation of Chambers of Shipping and prospective members from other ship agent and ship broking associations in the region.

The minutes of the plenary and Council meetings held in Dubai, together with copies of the presentations made during those meetings, will be uploaded to the Members’ Area of this website shortly.

AMANAC Annual Ship Agents Conference 2017

FONASBA is very pleased to give its support to the 2017 Annual Ship Agents Conference being held at the Conference Centre in Mazatlán, Mexico from 27th to 30th September.

This is the 23rd conference organised by our colleagues from AMANAC and each one has built on the success of its predecessors and the event is now one of the major maritime events in central America.

Further information on the Conference is available via this link or directly from AMANAC at:

FONASBA supports Seatrade Middle East Awards ceremony

FONASBA is pleased to support the Seatrade Middle East Awards ceremony 2017. This event takes place in Dubai on 9th October 2017. Further information can be found at:


FONASBA supports London International Shipping Week 2017

For the second time, FONASBA is proud to act as a supporting organisation for London International Shipping Week which takes place in September 2017. Preparations for LISW 2017 are now well underway and a list of events, and details of the supporting organisations, can be found at:

London Shipping Week

ECASBA European Seminar 2017 Looks to the Future

ECASBA’s 2017 European seminar took place at the Hotel Silken Berlaymont on Tuesday 28th February 2017 as part of European Shipping Week (ESW).


Taking up the theme of the 2017 ESW: “Safe Smart and Sustainable”, this year’s event looked closely at both the impact of digitalisation and harmonisation on the ship agency sector and the wider subject of the future of liner and short sea shipping, both of which are vital for the future prosperity of the European ship agency community.

During the morning session, which was only open to ECASBA members, delegates received updates on the current status of implementation of the Union Customs Code from Customs Working Group coordinator Hilde Bruggeman, on the present status of the planned review of the Reporting Formalities Directive 2010/65 from General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS and a detailed overview of the work being undertaken by the Commission and industry in order to introduce the “e-Manifest” by Capt. Peter Langbein, one of ECASBA’s representatives on the Commission’s e-Manifest Working Group.

The morning session concluded with an interesting and thought-provoking presentation by Alex van Breedam of consultants TRI-VIZOR on the future for the European logistics industry in the face of steadily increasing demand and a commensurate reduction in the capacity to handle it. Reconciling these diametrically opposed factors will require some novel thinking and the presentation certainly gave some food for thought.

The afternoon session, which was open to colleagues from other organisations and attended by representatives of ECSA, ESPO, FEPORT and the World Shipping Council, as well as DG-MOVE, enjoyed two engaging and informative discussions.

The first was a high-level panel discussion on the future of liner and short sea shipping over the medium term. Hosted by Alfons Guinier, the former Secretary General of ECSA, the panel comprised Paul Kyprianou, External Relations Director of short sea operator the Grimaldi Group, Eugène Vanfleteren, Managing Director of CMA-CGM Belgium, John A. Foord FICS, President of FONASBA and a director of JSA Global and Kestrel Shipping, the biggest independent liner agent in the United Kingdom and Rui D’Orey, CEO of Horizon View Shipping, a major liner agent in Portugal.

The second session looked at e-Maritime from the perspective of the regulators and the port community systems providers. Presentations from Sandro Santamato, Head of Unit D1 at DG-MOVE, Markku Mylly, Executive Director of the European Maritime Safety Authority and Richard Morton, Secretary General of the International Port Community Systems Association set the scene and the panel discussion that followed was moderated by Dr. Alexander Geisler, Managing Director of the German Shipbrokers Association, ZVDS.

Following the seminar, delegates, guests and speakers attended the traditional closing dinner, where the guests of honour were Maria-Manuela Cabral of DG-TAXUD and Dimitrios Theologitis of formerly Head of Unit D3 at DG-MOVE. Both Cabral and Theologitis are standing down from their present positions (Cabral is moving elsewhere in the Commission and Theologitis has retired after 32 years’ service) and the occasion was taken to thank both of them for their support for ECASBA over the years and to present them with leaving gifts.

The 2018 ECASBA seminar will be held in Barcelona as guests of our member in Spain, ANESCO.

Following the seminar, ECASBA Chairman Antonio Belmar da Costa, General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS, as well as Berit Blomqvist of the Swedish Shipbrokers Association, Julie Lithgow, Director of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and Jesper Sebbelin FICS of the Danish Shipbrokers Association, attended the European Shipping Week Conference and Gala Dinner.

Copies of the presentations made at the Seminar are available for download from the Members’ Area.

FONASBA supports Seatrade Maritime Middle East 2016

FONASBA is pleased to act as a Supporting Organisation for the 8th edition of the Seatrade Maritime Middle East – the maritime meeting place for the Middle East, held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, UAE, and as part of Dubai Maritime Week, will take place from 31 October – 2 November 2016 at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE.

The 3 day programme is a firm fixture in the industry’s calendar, where attendees can network, visit the international exhibition and sign up for a dedicated conference programme.
FONASBA members can enjoy a 20% discount off SMME conference session rates (excluding ISSA 2016 Convention). To register to attend,  click here:

For more information, please visit


FONASBA Annual Meeting 2016


The 2016 FONASBA Annual Meeting, hosted by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, took place the week commencing Monday 17th October 2016 at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel Riverside in London’s Docklands. FONASBA member associations can download copies of the presentations given at the plenary and Council meetings from the Members’ Area of this website.

FONASBA Supports METRANSLOG 2016, the  Middle East Transport & Logistics Exhibition

FONASBA is pleased to act as a supporting organization to METRANSLOG 2016 – Oman’s only and Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Transport & Logistics will be held from 5 – 7 September 2016 at the Oman International Exhibition Centre, Seeb, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The event is also supported by our member in Dubai, the Dubai Shipping Agents Association.

The Expo will showcase the entire spectrum of Transport & Logistics products and services from: Airport & Aviation, Rail and Metro, Ports and Maritime, Ship Building and Repair, Road Infrastructure, Tunneling  and Underground Infrastructure, Smart City, Urban & Public Transport, Parking, ITS & Traffic Management, Transport Solutions and Management, Commercial Vehicles-Heavy and Light, Logistics, Cargo & Supply Chain, Storage, Warehousing & Materials Handling, Special Economic & Free Trade Zones, Oil & Gas Transportation, Storage & Handling, ICT Solutions, Safety and Security.

ME-TRANSLOG is supported by the MOTC-Ministry of Transport and Communications, PACA-Public Authority for Civil Aviation Oman, OAMC-Oman Airports Management Company, Royal Oman Police Customs Authority, Muscat Municipality, Ithraa – Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Export Development, PEIE-Public Establishment for Industrial Estates, Riyada – Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises Development.

The other supporters are UKTI – United Kingdom Trade and Investment, Middle East Association UK, The Netherlands Embassy, GS-1 Saudi Arabia and OABC – Oman American Business Center, Acclaimed associations such as IHMA – International Harbor Master’s Association, IRU – International Road Transport Union, Logistics Executive, Oman Road Safety Association, Oman Road Transport Association and Supply Chain and Logistics Group are also supporting the show. The strategic partners are ISCEA – International Supply Chain Education Alliance, whereas the research partners are Oxford Business Group.

The Diamond Sponsors are: Port of Duqm, Port of Sohar, Port of Salalah, Sohar Free Zone, C. Steinweg Oman LLC, Oman International Container Terminal, Mwasalat – Oman National Transport Company and Khazaen Logistics Company.

The Platinum Sponsors: Al Jarwani Hospitality-The Logistics partner and Oman Shipping Company.

The Gold Sponsors are: IHE-International Heavy Equipment and John Menzies Aviation PLC.

Associate Sponsors are: Kuehne + Nagel, National Ferry Company, PTV Group, TATI Oman -Technical and Administrative Training Institute and Wared Logistics

FONASBA members wishing to attend the event, or obtain further information, can do so via this link:


ECASBA European Seminar  2016

ECASBA’s 2016 European Seminar took place at the headquarters of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)  in Lisbon on Thursday and Friday 26th/27th May.

This extremely popular event saw more than seventy ECASBA delegates and guests from the Portuguese maritime community come together to debate issues relating to the role of the ship agent in the logistics chain as well as the introduction of the Union Customs Code and the impact of mandatory container weighing.

As usual, the presentations made at the seminar are available for download from the Members’ Area of this website and some photographs can be found on FONASBA’s Facebook page at:

FONASBA Annual Meeting 2015

The 2015 Annual Meeting  saw more than 70 delegates and partners travel to Vitória in Brazil’s Espirito Santo state to attend the meeting.  A full work programme and a series of social events were held during the week. Highlights included participating in the sun-down ceremony at the base of the Port Captain, a visit to the Tuburao iron ore loading facility operated by Vale and, at the Gala Dinner on Friday 16th, the presentation of the inaugural Young Ship Agent or Shipbroker Award.

Copies of the presentations made at the meeting are available for download from the Members’ Area of this website and photographs of the meetings and social events can be found on FONASBA’s Facebook page at:

ECASBA European Seminar 2015 – Brussels

“ECASBA’s 2015 European Seminar, held in Brussels on 2nd March as part of
the inaugural European Shipping Week, was a significant success, both in
terms of delegate participation and the level and quality of the
presentations and discussion panels. During the seminar, nearly 40 delegates
representing almost all ECASBA member associations, discussed the future
work programme of the European Commission, recognition and licensing of the
ship agent, customs developments and short sea shipping. Those discussions
were enhanced by the participation of senior members of the European
Commission, including Fotis Karamitsos, Deputy Director General of DG-MOVE,
Dimitrios Theologitis, Head of Unit for Ports and Inland Navigation at MOVE
and Dr. Panayota Anaboli, Head of Section at DG-TAXUD.

In a change to the usual format, the short sea shipping session, which
lasted all afternoon, was jointly supported by the European Shortsea
Network, who invited their members to attend. A number of other
organisations also took part, having seen the event listed in the European
Shipping Week event calendar. The seminar ended with the first public
presentation of the results of a survey on the evolution of EU and
International shipping undertaken by the University of Antwerp and two
consultancy firms.

The day concluded with a dinner hosted by ECASBA during which delegates and
speakers were joined by guests including Domingos Fezas Vital, the
Portuguese Ambassador to the European Union, Markku Mylly, Executive
Director of the European Maritime Safety Authority and colleagues and
friends from the Commission and our partner organisations in Brussels.

The following day ECASBA, represented by Chairman Antonio Belmar da Costa,
FONASBA President Glen Gordon Findlay and General Manager Jonathan Williams
participated in the European Shipping Week conference, with Antonio Belmar
da Costa speaking on one of the panels. ECASBA members Lara Tropia, from
Italy, Berit Blomqvist, Sweden, and Jesper Sebbelin, Denmark, were also

Copies of the presentations given at the seminar are available for download
from the Members’ Area of the website and photos of the seminar and
conference have been uploaded to the Flickr page”.


The 2014 Annual Meeting took place the week commencing 6th October in Gothenburg, hosted by the Swedish Shipbrokers’ Association. The meeting was extremely successful, with more than 100 delegates and guests from 28 member associations and 5 Club members attending. Copies of the presentations given during the plenary meetings of ECASBA, the Chartering & Documentary and Liner & Port Agency committees, the Swedish seminar and the Council Meeting are now available for download from the Members’ Area of this site.

ECASBA European Seminar 2014 – Naples


ECASBA’s ninth European Seminar took place on 25th and 26th June in the Italian port city of Naples. The event – which was generously supported by our Italian association, FEDERAGENTI – was a major success, with more than 50 delegates attending. Copies of the presentations given during the seminar are now available for download from the Members’ Area of this site.


FONASBA’s 2013 Annual Meeting in Lima was another resounding success and congratulations go to our colleagues at APAM, our Peruvian member association, for their hard work, enthusiasm and commitment to providing another excellent event. Copies of the presentations given at the Plenary Meetings and the seminar are available for download in the Members’ Area.

ECASBA European Seminar 2013 – Hamburg

The 2013 ECASBA seminar was hosted by the German Shipbrokers’ Association, ZVDS, in Hamburg in May 2013. Presentations are now available to view in the Members’ Area.

43rd Annual Meeting Venice

The 2012 Annual Meeting took place in Venice during the week 8th – 12th October hosted by FEDERAGENTI.
More than 160 delegates and partners from more than 30 countries attended the meeting, making it one of the largest Annual Meetings for many years.
Reports of the meeting, together with photographs, are available in the Members’ Area.

ECASBA Brussels Seminar

6-7 June 2012

Presentations are now available to view in the Members’ Area.

European Maritime Day 2010

ECASBA Workshop Presentations

ECASBA hosted a workshop at the 2010 European Maritime Day event in Gijón, Spain, entitled “The Ship’s Agent IS the Port Single Window”. The presentations made by the speakers are below:

  1. An Introduction to FONABA– Tonny D. Paulsen, FONASBA President.
  2. The Role of the Ship Agent – Antonio Belmar Da Costa, ECASBA Chairman.
  3. Bringing it all Together, ECASBA, the FONASBA Quality Standard and the Single Window – Jonathan C. Williams FICS, FONASBA General Manager.
  4. The MARMEDSA Group – D. Jordi Trius, General Director of Marmedsa Group Agencies.
  5. The Port of Gijón Community  – Adriano Cadrecha, General Manager of the Gijón Port Community.
  6. The Suardiaz Group – Ivan Ojeda, Director Logistica Suardiaz.


Previous Events

FONASBA Annual Meeting 2018

FONASBA’s 2018 Annual Meeting took place in Cancun, Mexico from the 16th to 20th October inclusive, hosted by the Asociación Mexicana de Agentes Navieros A.C. (AMANAC).

Copies of the presentations given at the meetings are available for download from the Members’ Area.

FONASBA Supports Seatrade Maritime Middle East Awards and Conference 2018

FONASBA is pleased to once again support the Seatrade Maritime Middle East Awards event in Dubai on 28th October 2018 and the Conference being held over the following three days.

For more information on the Seatrade awards, please visit:

The Seatrade Middle East conference is being held as part of UAE Maritime Week. It is expected to welcome over 8,000 visitors and over 200 exhibitors, together representing more than 90 countries. The free-to-attend conference sessions will cover key themes including: autonomous shipping and automation, fuels of the future, digital and cyber technologies and environmental challenges.

Further information can be found at: To register to attend please go to:   

ECASBA 2018 European Seminar Barcelona 4th/5th June 2018

ECASBA held another very successful European Seminar in Barcelona on 4th and 5th June, hosted by the Asociación Española de Consignatarios de Buques (ASECOB)

Copies of the presentations made at the seminar are available in the Members’ Area.

FONASBA Supports WISTA Americas 2018

FONASBA is pleased to join with our colleagues at Centro de Navegación in Argentina in supporting the inaugural conference of WISTA in the Americas which is being held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 18th to 20th June 2018. A copy of the event flyer can be downloaded here and further information on the meeting, as well as registration details, can be found at the event website at: FONASBA wishes the event every success.

CIANAM Annual Meeting 2018

The Cámara Interamericana de Asociaciones Nacionales de Agentes Marítimos (CIANAM) will hold its 2018 Annual Meeting in Costa Rica on 26th and 27th April, hosted by the Cámara Nacional de Armadores y Agentes de Vapores de Costa Rica.

As in previous years, FONASBA is pleased to support the event, which will be attended by our member associations in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the United States, Uruguay and Venezuela as well as the other members of the Cámara. FONASBA President John A. Foord FICS will participate in the event and join CIANAM President Mike Ogle of the US and Edgardo González, President of NAVE, the host association, in opening and closing the formal meeting.

We wish Mike Ogle, Edgardo González and all the CIANAM delegates and participants a very enjoyable and successful meeting.

The programme for the 2018 Annual Meeting can be downloaded here.

19th Intermodal Africa Event, Beira

FONASBA is pleased to be a supporting industry organisation for the 19th Intermodal Africa conference being held in Beira, Mozambique on 27th – 29th March. Full details of the event can be found here.

FONASBA Annual Meeting 2017

Delegates representing 32 Member countries and 3 Club Members attended the 2017 Annual Meeting in Dubai, hosted by the Dubai Shipping Agents Association. FONASBA was particularly pleased to be able to welcome representatives from its two newest members, the Republic of Congo and Sudan, who were only elected to membership in the  week preceding the meeting.

Also present were observers from the Arab Federation of Chambers of Shipping and prospective members from other ship agent and ship broking associations in the region.

The minutes of the plenary and Council meetings held in Dubai, together with copies of the presentations made during those meetings, will be uploaded to the Members’ Area of this website shortly.

AMANAC Annual Ship Agents Conference 2017

FONASBA is very pleased to give its support to the 2017 Annual Ship Agents Conference being held at the Conference Centre in Mazatlán, Mexico from 27th to 30th September.

This is the 23rd conference organised by our colleagues from AMANAC and each one has built on the success of its predecessors and the event is now one of the major maritime events in central America.

Further information on the Conference is available via this link or directly from AMANAC at:

FONASBA supports Seatrade Middle East Awards ceremony

FONASBA is pleased to support the Seatrade Middle East Awards ceremony 2017. This event takes place in Dubai on 9th October 2017. Further information can be found at:


FONASBA supports London International Shipping Week 2017

For the second time, FONASBA is proud to act as a supporting organisation for London International Shipping Week which takes place in September 2017. Preparations for LISW 2017 are now well underway and a list of events, and details of the supporting organisations, can be found at:

London Shipping Week

ECASBA European Seminar 2017 Looks to the Future

ECASBA’s 2017 European seminar took place at the Hotel Silken Berlaymont on Tuesday 28th February 2017 as part of European Shipping Week (ESW).


Taking up the theme of the 2017 ESW: “Safe Smart and Sustainable”, this year’s event looked closely at both the impact of digitalisation and harmonisation on the ship agency sector and the wider subject of the future of liner and short sea shipping, both of which are vital for the future prosperity of the European ship agency community.

During the morning session, which was only open to ECASBA members, delegates received updates on the current status of implementation of the Union Customs Code from Customs Working Group coordinator Hilde Bruggeman, on the present status of the planned review of the Reporting Formalities Directive 2010/65 from General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS and a detailed overview of the work being undertaken by the Commission and industry in order to introduce the “e-Manifest” by Capt. Peter Langbein, one of ECASBA’s representatives on the Commission’s e-Manifest Working Group.

The morning session concluded with an interesting and thought-provoking presentation by Alex van Breedam of consultants TRI-VIZOR on the future for the European logistics industry in the face of steadily increasing demand and a commensurate reduction in the capacity to handle it. Reconciling these diametrically opposed factors will require some novel thinking and the presentation certainly gave some food for thought.

The afternoon session, which was open to colleagues from other organisations and attended by representatives of ECSA, ESPO, FEPORT and the World Shipping Council, as well as DG-MOVE, enjoyed two engaging and informative discussions.

The first was a high-level panel discussion on the future of liner and short sea shipping over the medium term. Hosted by Alfons Guinier, the former Secretary General of ECSA, the panel comprised Paul Kyprianou, External Relations Director of short sea operator the Grimaldi Group, Eugène Vanfleteren, Managing Director of CMA-CGM Belgium, John A. Foord FICS, President of FONASBA and a director of JSA Global and Kestrel Shipping, the biggest independent liner agent in the United Kingdom and Rui D’Orey, CEO of Horizon View Shipping, a major liner agent in Portugal.

The second session looked at e-Maritime from the perspective of the regulators and the port community systems providers. Presentations from Sandro Santamato, Head of Unit D1 at DG-MOVE, Markku Mylly, Executive Director of the European Maritime Safety Authority and Richard Morton, Secretary General of the International Port Community Systems Association set the scene and the panel discussion that followed was moderated by Dr. Alexander Geisler, Managing Director of the German Shipbrokers Association, ZVDS.

Following the seminar, delegates, guests and speakers attended the traditional closing dinner, where the guests of honour were Maria-Manuela Cabral of DG-TAXUD and Dimitrios Theologitis of formerly Head of Unit D3 at DG-MOVE. Both Cabral and Theologitis are standing down from their present positions (Cabral is moving elsewhere in the Commission and Theologitis has retired after 32 years’ service) and the occasion was taken to thank both of them for their support for ECASBA over the years and to present them with leaving gifts.

The 2018 ECASBA seminar will be held in Barcelona as guests of our member in Spain, ANESCO.

Following the seminar, ECASBA Chairman Antonio Belmar da Costa, General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS, as well as Berit Blomqvist of the Swedish Shipbrokers Association, Julie Lithgow, Director of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and Jesper Sebbelin FICS of the Danish Shipbrokers Association, attended the European Shipping Week Conference and Gala Dinner.

Copies of the presentations made at the Seminar are available for download from the Members’ Area.

FONASBA supports Seatrade Maritime Middle East 2016

FONASBA is pleased to act as a Supporting Organisation for the 8th edition of the Seatrade Maritime Middle East – the maritime meeting place for the Middle East, held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai, UAE, and as part of Dubai Maritime Week, will take place from 31 October – 2 November 2016 at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE.

The 3 day programme is a firm fixture in the industry’s calendar, where attendees can network, visit the international exhibition and sign up for a dedicated conference programme.
FONASBA members can enjoy a 20% discount off SMME conference session rates (excluding ISSA 2016 Convention). To register to attend,  click here:

For more information, please visit


FONASBA Annual Meeting 2016


The 2016 FONASBA Annual Meeting, hosted by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, took place the week commencing Monday 17th October 2016 at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel Riverside in London’s Docklands. FONASBA member associations can download copies of the presentations given at the plenary and Council meetings from the Members’ Area of this website.

FONASBA Supports METRANSLOG 2016, the  Middle East Transport & Logistics Exhibition

FONASBA is pleased to act as a supporting organization to METRANSLOG 2016 – Oman’s only and Most Comprehensive Exhibition on Transport & Logistics will be held from 5 – 7 September 2016 at the Oman International Exhibition Centre, Seeb, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The event is also supported by our member in Dubai, the Dubai Shipping Agents Association.

The Expo will showcase the entire spectrum of Transport & Logistics products and services from: Airport & Aviation, Rail and Metro, Ports and Maritime, Ship Building and Repair, Road Infrastructure, Tunneling  and Underground Infrastructure, Smart City, Urban & Public Transport, Parking, ITS & Traffic Management, Transport Solutions and Management, Commercial Vehicles-Heavy and Light, Logistics, Cargo & Supply Chain, Storage, Warehousing & Materials Handling, Special Economic & Free Trade Zones, Oil & Gas Transportation, Storage & Handling, ICT Solutions, Safety and Security.

ME-TRANSLOG is supported by the MOTC-Ministry of Transport and Communications, PACA-Public Authority for Civil Aviation Oman, OAMC-Oman Airports Management Company, Royal Oman Police Customs Authority, Muscat Municipality, Ithraa – Public Authority for Investment Promotion and Export Development, PEIE-Public Establishment for Industrial Estates, Riyada – Public Authority for Small and Medium Enterprises Development.

The other supporters are UKTI – United Kingdom Trade and Investment, Middle East Association UK, The Netherlands Embassy, GS-1 Saudi Arabia and OABC – Oman American Business Center, Acclaimed associations such as IHMA – International Harbor Master’s Association, IRU – International Road Transport Union, Logistics Executive, Oman Road Safety Association, Oman Road Transport Association and Supply Chain and Logistics Group are also supporting the show. The strategic partners are ISCEA – International Supply Chain Education Alliance, whereas the research partners are Oxford Business Group.

The Diamond Sponsors are: Port of Duqm, Port of Sohar, Port of Salalah, Sohar Free Zone, C. Steinweg Oman LLC, Oman International Container Terminal, Mwasalat – Oman National Transport Company and Khazaen Logistics Company.

The Platinum Sponsors: Al Jarwani Hospitality-The Logistics partner and Oman Shipping Company.

The Gold Sponsors are: IHE-International Heavy Equipment and John Menzies Aviation PLC.

Associate Sponsors are: Kuehne + Nagel, National Ferry Company, PTV Group, TATI Oman -Technical and Administrative Training Institute and Wared Logistics

FONASBA members wishing to attend the event, or obtain further information, can do so via this link:


ECASBA European Seminar  2016

ECASBA’s 2016 European Seminar took place at the headquarters of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)  in Lisbon on Thursday and Friday 26th/27th May.

This extremely popular event saw more than seventy ECASBA delegates and guests from the Portuguese maritime community come together to debate issues relating to the role of the ship agent in the logistics chain as well as the introduction of the Union Customs Code and the impact of mandatory container weighing.

As usual, the presentations made at the seminar are available for download from the Members’ Area of this website and some photographs can be found on FONASBA’s Facebook page at:

FONASBA Annual Meeting 2015

The 2015 Annual Meeting  saw more than 70 delegates and partners travel to Vitória in Brazil’s Espirito Santo state to attend the meeting.  A full work programme and a series of social events were held during the week. Highlights included participating in the sun-down ceremony at the base of the Port Captain, a visit to the Tuburao iron ore loading facility operated by Vale and, at the Gala Dinner on Friday 16th, the presentation of the inaugural Young Ship Agent or Shipbroker Award.

Copies of the presentations made at the meeting are available for download from the Members’ Area of this website and photographs of the meetings and social events can be found on FONASBA’s Facebook page at:

ECASBA European Seminar 2015 – Brussels

“ECASBA’s 2015 European Seminar, held in Brussels on 2nd March as part of
the inaugural European Shipping Week, was a significant success, both in
terms of delegate participation and the level and quality of the
presentations and discussion panels. During the seminar, nearly 40 delegates
representing almost all ECASBA member associations, discussed the future
work programme of the European Commission, recognition and licensing of the
ship agent, customs developments and short sea shipping. Those discussions
were enhanced by the participation of senior members of the European
Commission, including Fotis Karamitsos, Deputy Director General of DG-MOVE,
Dimitrios Theologitis, Head of Unit for Ports and Inland Navigation at MOVE
and Dr. Panayota Anaboli, Head of Section at DG-TAXUD.

In a change to the usual format, the short sea shipping session, which
lasted all afternoon, was jointly supported by the European Shortsea
Network, who invited their members to attend. A number of other
organisations also took part, having seen the event listed in the European
Shipping Week event calendar. The seminar ended with the first public
presentation of the results of a survey on the evolution of EU and
International shipping undertaken by the University of Antwerp and two
consultancy firms.

The day concluded with a dinner hosted by ECASBA during which delegates and
speakers were joined by guests including Domingos Fezas Vital, the
Portuguese Ambassador to the European Union, Markku Mylly, Executive
Director of the European Maritime Safety Authority and colleagues and
friends from the Commission and our partner organisations in Brussels.

The following day ECASBA, represented by Chairman Antonio Belmar da Costa,
FONASBA President Glen Gordon Findlay and General Manager Jonathan Williams
participated in the European Shipping Week conference, with Antonio Belmar
da Costa speaking on one of the panels. ECASBA members Lara Tropia, from
Italy, Berit Blomqvist, Sweden, and Jesper Sebbelin, Denmark, were also

Copies of the presentations given at the seminar are available for download
from the Members’ Area of the website and photos of the seminar and
conference have been uploaded to the Flickr page”.


The 2014 Annual Meeting took place the week commencing 6th October in Gothenburg, hosted by the Swedish Shipbrokers’ Association. The meeting was extremely successful, with more than 100 delegates and guests from 28 member associations and 5 Club members attending. Copies of the presentations given during the plenary meetings of ECASBA, the Chartering & Documentary and Liner & Port Agency committees, the Swedish seminar and the Council Meeting are now available for download from the Members’ Area of this site.

ECASBA European Seminar 2014 – Naples


ECASBA’s ninth European Seminar took place on 25th and 26th June in the Italian port city of Naples. The event – which was generously supported by our Italian association, FEDERAGENTI – was a major success, with more than 50 delegates attending. Copies of the presentations given during the seminar are now available for download from the Members’ Area of this site.


FONASBA’s 2013 Annual Meeting in Lima was another resounding success and congratulations go to our colleagues at APAM, our Peruvian member association, for their hard work, enthusiasm and commitment to providing another excellent event. Copies of the presentations given at the Plenary Meetings and the seminar are available for download in the Members’ Area.

ECASBA European Seminar 2013 – Hamburg

The 2013 ECASBA seminar was hosted by the German Shipbrokers’ Association, ZVDS, in Hamburg in May 2013. Presentations are now available to view in the Members’ Area.

43rd Annual Meeting Venice

The 2012 Annual Meeting took place in Venice during the week 8th – 12th October hosted by FEDERAGENTI.
More than 160 delegates and partners from more than 30 countries attended the meeting, making it one of the largest Annual Meetings for many years.
Reports of the meeting, together with photographs, are available in the Members’ Area.

ECASBA Brussels Seminar

6-7 June 2012

Presentations are now available to view in the Members’ Area.

European Maritime Day 2010

ECASBA Workshop Presentations

ECASBA hosted a workshop at the 2010 European Maritime Day event in Gijón, Spain, entitled “The Ship’s Agent IS the Port Single Window”. The presentations made by the speakers are below:

  1. An Introduction to FONABA– Tonny D. Paulsen, FONASBA President.
  2. The Role of the Ship Agent – Antonio Belmar Da Costa, ECASBA Chairman.
  3. Bringing it all Together, ECASBA, the FONASBA Quality Standard and the Single Window – Jonathan C. Williams FICS, FONASBA General Manager.
  4. The MARMEDSA Group – D. Jordi Trius, General Director of Marmedsa Group Agencies.
  5. The Port of Gijón Community  – Adriano Cadrecha, General Manager of the Gijón Port Community.
  6. The Suardiaz Group – Ivan Ojeda, Director Logistica Suardiaz.