

   – President introduction
   – Executive Committee Meeting
   – FONASBA Business Trip in Asia
   – FONASBA meets with ASMEX
   – Meetings took place at the FONASBA headquarter in London
   – After several years of honorable service, Jonathan Williams FICS will
   – Cpt. Mike Robarts appointed as new IMO Goodwill Ambassador
   – Mohamed Mouselhy elected President of the Alexandria Chamber of
   – Spokeperson: Cpt. Jakov Karmelic
   – Spokeperson: Mr. Marco Tak



* President’s introduction
* FONASBA Annual Meeting
* General Meeting
* Quality Standards
* Meetings & Events
* ESPO Award Ceremony
* FONASBA’s actions in the International Maritime Congress
* Eisbeinessen 2023
* FONASBA to the conference of the Association of Hungarian Logistics Service Centres
* Aziz Mantrach to Asmex conference
* ShortSea/Huelva Annual Conference
* ECASBA present during European Shipping Summit
* News from members
* New members: Seaharbor Group of Curaçao
* Spokeperson: Mr. Fulvio Carlini
* Social & Agenda
* Education
* Asia Region
* Visit to VISABA, Vietnam
* Africa Region
* Next Executive Commitee meeting



* President’s introduction
* Executive committee updates
* FONASBA annual meeting
* Meetings & events
* European Shipping Summit 2023
* FONASBA docks in Asia
* Madeira Maritime Week
* 107th Anniversary of Centro de Navegación de Uruguay
* Quality Standards
* Education
* Winner of 2023 YABA Award
* Courses
* News from members
* Navigation Center of Argentina Celebrated its 123rd Anniversary
* Shipping Association Malaysia (SAM) joins FONASBA as a full member
* Videogallery
* News from the industry
* IMO new Secretary General
* World Customs Organization
* American Region
* Communication from Marcelo Neri, VP for the Americas


The first edition of FONASBA’s redesigned Newsletter, issue no 57, was distributed to Members on 22nd May.  This edition covered the following topics:

  • A welcome from President Javier E. Dulce
  • A report on the Executive Committee Meeting held in London in March and
  • The nomination of Marcelo Neri of Brazil as RVP Designate for the Americas
  • The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Worldwide Shipping Agencies Association (WWSA)
  • An update on progress in implementing the FONASBA Communications Plan, of which the Newsletter is a key element
  • Update on the 2023 Annual Meeting in Jordan and the awarding of the 2024 and 2025 Annual Meetings to Greece and Turkey respectively
  • Information on the ECASBA European Seminar in Brussels in June
  • Reports on the FQS and education programmes
  • An update on recent maritime policy developments in Europe
  • Member Association News from:
    • Brazil
    • Chile
    • France
    • Great Britain
    • Jordan
  • And links to the new FONASBA Spokesperson videos, featuring President Javier Dulce, and Regional Vice Presidents Antonio Belmar da Costa (Europe) and Takazo Iigaki (Asia).


2022 closed with issue 56 of the New Horizon which reported on the following:

  • The appointment to the Executive Committee of Niklas Soltow of Germany as Vice Chair of the Ship Agent Committee and Julio Carrasco of Spain as a Co-opted member
  • The first meeting of the Executive Committee at the new FONASBA Secretariat and the virtual Council Meeting held to attend to the Federation’s financial affairs
  • The launch of the FONASBA Executive Committee Action Plan
  • The 2022 ECASBA European seminar held in Athens and co-hosted by the International Maritime Union
  • An announcement of the winner of the 2022 FONASBA Young Ship Agent or Ship Broker of the Year Award, Nicolas Henrique Marques Esperança de Souza, of Brazil
  • An update on European maritime policy
  • Reports from member associations on their local and regional initiatives over the past year


Issue 55 of the Newsletter was issued in August 2022. Another detailed issue covered:

  • The Antwerp Annual Meeting
  • The election of a new President and Executive Committee
  • Publication of FONASBA’s Infectious Diseases Protocols
  • The appointment of the Standing Committee Vice Chairs and the members of the ECASBA Advisory Panel
  • An update on the FONASBA Quality Standards and the references to it in the UN/CEFACT Recommendation 45, Minimum Standards for Ship Agents and Ship Brokers and the soon to be released GENCON 2022 charterparty
  • The launch of two new education courses, one for agents in the tramp sector in conjunction with the Barcelona Ship Agents Association and the second for new entrants to the ship broking profession hosted by the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers
  • The regular update on European maritime policy developments
  • Picture pages covering the Antwerp Annual Meeting and the election of the new President, Javier Dulce of Argentina


The 54th issue of the FONASBA Newsletter was issued in December 2021 and covered a wide range of news, updates and new initiatives including:

  • A further postponement of the 2021 Annual Meeting due to ongoing concerns about COVID-19
  • Publication of the UN/CEFACT Recommendation 45, Minimum Standards for Ship Agents and Ship Brokers, a project led by FONASBA
  • The start of work on FONASBA’s Infectious Diseases Protocols, designed to protect ship agency staff when visiting ships under infectious disease outbreaks
  • Announcement of the winner of the 2021 Young Ship Agent or Ship Broker of the Year Award, Ana Garcia de los Rios of Spain
  • The launch of a new FONASBA/ACB Liner Shipping Transportation course
  • The issuing of FONASBA’s Sustainable Development Declaration
  • Relocation of the FONASBA Secretariat
  • A report on the actions of ship agents in supporting seafarer vaccination centres
  • An update on developments in European Union maritime policy


Issue 53 of the FONASBA newsletter was released in June 2021 and provided an end of year update on the actions and initiatives since the much more detailed May 2021 issue.

It therefore covered the following topics:

  • Rescheduling of the Antwerp Annual Meeting
  • The appointment of a Brussels representative for ECASBA
  • The start of a project by the Ship Agent Committee on protocols for ship agents attending vessels during infectious disease outbreaks
  • Expansion of the Quality Standard to more than 600 companies
  • The launch of the Young Agent and Broker Award 2021
  • FONASBA signing the Gulf of Guinea Declaration against piracy in the region


Published to coincide with the end of the 2020/21 financial year, this issue reflcted on the following topics:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on the maritime sector, and in particular on ship agents and ship brokers
  • The succesful webinar programme held instead of a physical Annual Meeting
  • Membership news
  • An update on FONASBA’s education and training programme
  • Approval of the revised UNCTAD MInimum  Standards for Ship Agents
  • The launch of the “Inspiring our Future” Committee
  • An update on developments within ECASBA, including the appointment of a Brussels representative and the launch of the ECASBA Declaration on e-Maritime, Single Windows and Digitalisation
  • A reminder of the 2021 Day of the Seafarer and the 2021 IMO World Maritime Day Theme


The New Year 2021 issue, which can be downloaded here, looked back at the preceding six months, including:

  • The 2020 Virtual Council Meeting
  • The creation of the Inspiring our Future (Digitalisation and Automation) Committee
  • The FONASBA Committee webinar programme
  • Further progress on the UNCTAD Minimum Standards review
  • COVID-19
  • A membership update
  • The status of the Quality Standard


Issued at the end of FONASBA’s 2019/20 financial year, this issue provides a short summary of the major events and actions undertaken in the preceding twelve months.  A copy can be downloaded here.

The contents include reports on:

  • The 50th anniversary Annual Meeting in Miami in October 2019
  • The appointment to the Executive Committee of Dr. Dureid Mahasneh as Regional Vice President for the Middle East and South Asia
  • Welcoming eleven new members
  • The launch of the WCO and ICC education programmes
  • Expanding the Quality Standard to more than 40 countries
  • An update on the UNCTAD Minimum Standards project
  • Success in making changes to the EU Veterinary Checks regime
  • A summary of actions taken in conjunction with international association to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on maritime transport


Not surprisingly, this issue of the Newsletter concentrates on the impact of COVID-19 on the maritime sector and the actions being undertaken by FONASBA and the international shipping community to mitigate its effects by ensuring the continued movement of goods and services worldwide and to allow the free passaage of seafarers. A copy can be downloaded here.

The contents include reports on:

  • The Meeting of the Executive Committee in Brussels in February
  • Recent Membership News, including the election of 11 new members
  • The launch of two new education initiatives with the World Customs Organisation and the International Chambers of Commerce
  • An update on the status of the FONASBA Quality Standard
  • Progress on the Review of the UNCTAD Minimum Standards for Ship Agents
  • Summary of recent developments in EU Maritime Policy
  • A report on ECASBA’s 2020 European Seminar
  • Photo Pages


This special edition of the Newsletter reports on FONASBA’s 50th Annual Meeting held in Miami on 1st – 3rd October. A copy is available to download here.

The contents include:

  • Thanks and Acknowledgements
  • The Keynote Address by Rear Admiral Richard Timme, US Coastguard
  • Participant Feedback
  • Report on the ECASBA plenary meeting
  • Chartering & Documentary plenary meeting
  • Liner & Port Agency plenary meeting
  • Host Association Seminar
  • The inaugural Association Best Practices plenary meeting
  • 2019 Council Meeting
  • Social events
  • Photo pages


The latest FONASBA Newsletter was published in June 2019 and is available for download here

The contents include:

  • President’s message
  • 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting Update
  • New Members: Curaçao and Costa Rica
  • Education, Young Agent or Broker Award
  • Education, FONASBA Agent Diploma
  • Quality Standard Update
  • Port Procedures Survey
  • Membership Surveys
  • Standard Document Update
  • Visits to Members
  • FONASBA² Registration
  • Website Advertising
  • International Relations
  • European update
  • Photo Pages


The latest FONASBA Annual Update was published in January 2019 and is available for download here

The contents include:

  • 50th Anniversary
  • New President’s message
  • Executive Committee 2018 – 2021
  • New Members, Ukraine, Cameroon, Senegal
  • Education, Young Agent or Broker Award
  • Education, FONASBA Agent Diploma
  • Quality Standards
  • Port Procedures Survey
  • Membership Surveys
  • Standard Document Update
  • Member Association Visits: Morocco, IMO MSC, France, Uruguay
  • Website and Social Media: FONASBA²
  • Cancún Annual Meeting summary
  • ECASBA Seminar
  • Relations with International Organisations, IMO FAL, CMI, IMO Ports Group, United for Wildlife
  • European Developments, ECASBA Advisory Panel 2018 – 2021, Reporting Formalities, Port Reception Facilities, Customs Declarations, Cargoes of Animal Origin, Position Papers
  • Photo pages


The latest FONASBA Annual Update was published at the end of June 2018 and is available for download here

The contents include:

  • New Members
  • Secretariat News
  • Education, Young Agent or Broker Award
  • Education, FONASBA Agent Diploma
  • Quality Standards
  • Port Procedures Survey
  • Membership Surveys
  • Standard Document Update
  • Member Association Visits: Far East, CIANAM, Spain, UAE
  • Social media
  • Dubai Annual Meeting summary
  • ECASBA Seminar, Barcelona
  • Relations with International Organisations, IMO, WCO PSCG, MACN, CMI
  • European Developments, Brussels Representation, Reporting Formalities, Port Reception Facilities, Customs Declarations, Cargoes of Animal Origin
  • Education, SAILNET Programme
  • Young Members’ Group
  • Photo pages


The latest FONASBA Annual Update was published at the end of June 2017 and is available for download here

The contents include:

  • New Members
  • Scretariat News
  • Container Weighing
  • Education, Young Agent or Broker Award
  • Quality Standards
  • Port Procedures Survey
  • Membership Surveys
  • Standard Document Update
  • Member Association Visits
  • Social media
  • Dubai Annual Meeting
  • ECASBA Seminars
  • Relations with International Organisations
  • European Developments
  • Young Members’ Group
  • Photo pages


The latest FONASBA Annual Update was published at the end of June 2016 and is available for download here

The contents include:

  • Container Weighing
  • New Members
  • Education, Young Agent or Broker Award
  • Quality Standards
  • Port Procedures Survey
  • Membership Surveys
  • Standard Document Update
  • Member Association Visits
  • Website Advertising
  • Social media
  • Annual Meetings  – Vitória, London
  • ECASBA Seminars
  • Relations with International Organisations
  • European Update
  • Photo pages

The New Horizon – Issue 42

  • Membership News
  • Education
  • Quality Standards
  • Port Procedures Survey
  • Membership Surveys
  • Standard Document Update
  • Member Association Visits
  • Website and Social media
  • Relations with International Organisations
  • European Update
  • Photo pages

Read more…

The New Horizon – Issue 41

  • New Members Elected
  • New President and Executive Committee Elected in Gothenburg
  • FONASBA Opens Flickr and LinkedIn Accounts
  • FONASBA Annual Meeting Gothenburg 2014
  • IMO Actions Update
  • FONASBA Raises New Record Amount for Woolly Hat Day
  • ESW 2015 Update
  • ECASBA Receives Positive Feedback from Commission on Veterinary Checks
  • ECASBA European Seminar 2015
  • Brazil is 2014 Eisbeinessen Partner Country
  • Member Association Reports – Australia
  • Member Association Reports – Denmark
  • Member Association Reports – India
  • Member Association Reports – Israel
  • Member Association Reports – Japan
  • Member Association Reports – Sweden
  • Photo pages

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The New Horizon – Issue 40

  • Annual Meeting Gothenburg 2014
  • New Assistant Appointed to London Secretariat
  • European Shipping Week 2015
  • ECASBA European Seminar 2014, Naples
  • ECASBA Presents to Port Community Systems Association
  • ECASBA Repeats Concerns Over EU Veterinary Checks
  • CIANAM Meets in Ecuador
  • AMANAC To Host Major Seminar on Structural Reform in Mexico
  • Shipping Australia Represents FONASBA At Brisbane WCO Conference
  • Member Association Reports – Cyprus
  • Member Association Reports – Denmark
  • Member Association Reports – Dubai
  • Member Association Reports – Germany
  • Member Association Reports – Italy
  • Member Association Reports – India
  • Member Association Reports – Japan
  • Member Association Reports – Mexico
  • Member Association Reports – Morocco
  • Late News

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The New Horizon – Issue 39

  • Current FONASBA Actions Summary Update
  • Liner Agency Agreement Update
  • FONASBA Handbook Status Report
  • IMO-FAL Review
  • IMO Container Weighing Initiative
  • FONASBA Website Education Pages Project Launched
  • Port Procedures Survey Update
  • Recognition and Licensing of Ship Agents
  • FONASBA Signs MoU with WCO
  • Membership News
  • FONASBA Visits to Dubai and Germany
  • Forthcoming Events

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The New Horizon – Issue 38

  • Annual Meeting Lima 2013
  • New Administration Assistant Appointed to London Secretariat
  • FONASBA Visits European Associations
  • FONASBA Attends BIMCO Paris Meeting
  • FONASBA Quality Standard Update
  • ECASBA European Seminar 2013, Hamburg
  • IMO Update
  • FONASBA Supports Major Industry Events
  • European Commission Launches 2013 Port Policy Initiative
  • CIANAM Holds 11th Annual Meeting in Uruguay
  • FONASBA Book Project Makes Good Progress
  • Member Association Reports

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The New Horizon – Issue 37

  • 2012 Annual Meeting Review
  • New Executive Committee Elected
  • Tunisia Elected to Full Membership
  • Revised FONASBA Website Launched
  • FONASBA Annual Meetings 2013 and 2014
  • Tonny Paulsen Awarded Honorary Membership
  • IMO Container Weight Initiative Update
  • FONASBA Port Procedures Survey Goes Live
  • ECASBA Presents Views on e-Maritime

Read more…

The New Horizon – Issue 36

  • 2012 Annual Meeting – Latest Update
  • New Members Elected
  • FONASBA Future Development Update
  • ECASBA European Seminar Summary
  • ECASBA Attends European Maritime Day 2012
  • FONASBA Visits Member Associations
  • FONASBA Suports Container Weighing Initiative in IMO
  • Member Association Reports
  • Picture Pages

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The New Horizon – Issue 35

  • 2012 Events Update
  • FONASBA Book and PR Initiatives Get Underway
  • FONASBA Endorses Norwegian SALEFORM Revision
  • Quality Standard – JAFSA Holds Presentation Ceremony
  • ITIC Issues Latest Claims Review
  • CIANAM Meets in Brazil
  • Australia
  • Croatia
  • Peru
  • Spain
  • Turkey
  • Late News – Belgium
  • USA

Read more…

The New Horizon – Issue 34

  • Sydney Annual Meeting Report
  • New Member News
  • FONASBA Website Upgrade
  • Norwegians Celebrate First FONASBA Wedding
  • Europe: TRAN Committee calls for deadlines on White Paper actions
  • Commission Unveils Ports Package in 2012 Work Programme
  • Japan Approves First Quality Standard Companies
  • FONASBA Addresses Liverpool Student Body

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The New Horizon – Issue 33

  • Sydney Annual Meeting Update
  • ECASBA Brussels Seminar Report
  • FONASBA Quality Standard – Malta and Japan Accredited
  • Europe Consults in Transport Policy, River Transport and Waste Reception
  • ECASBA Advisory Panel and FONASBA Executive Committee Meet
  • NIgeria and Greece Join FONASBA
  • CIANAM Meets in Buenos Aires
  • Port Procedures Survey Review Update
  • Cyprus
  • Slovenia

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The New Horizon – Issue 32

  • Sydney Annual Meeting Update
  • ECASBA Brussels Seminar Update
  • FONASBA Quality Standard – Finland Accredited
  • Norway Initiates Saleform Revision
  • ECASBA Contributes to Consultation on Waste Inspections
  • ECASBA Reviews Transport White Paper
  • ECASBA Re-affirms Views in Pilotage Exemption Certificate Criteria
  • CIANAM to Meet in Buenos Aires
  • ECASBA Reviews ENS/EXS Implementation Post 01.01.2011
  • Belgium
  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Great Britain
  • Turkey
  • USA

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The New Horizon – Issue 31

  • Council Elects New Executive Committee at Varna Annual Meeting
  • FONASBA Office Relocates
  • Membership Expands in Turkey and Asia
  • Annual Meeting Varna 2010
  • Quality Standard Update
  • Visa Requirements for Schengen Countries Changed
  • ECASBA Position on Single Windows Noted
  • ECASBA Highlights the Role of the Agent in European Short Sea Course
  • Australia – Update
  • Japan – Open Seminar in Kobe
  • Peru – Pronouncement of the Peruvian Association of Maritime Agents on the Concession of the North T
  • USA – ASBA Cargo Conference another major success

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The New Horizon – Issue 30

  • The Ship Agent Is The Port Single Window
  • ECASBA Seminar 2010
  • Annual Meeting 2010
  • CIANAM Washington Meeting Report
  • ECASBA Presents Case e-Maritime Workshop in Brussels
  • Great Britain-UK Government Announces Closure of its Trade Facilitation Organisation
  • Peru – APAM Fears Port Companies Will Have to Bargain With Unions By Branch of Activity

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The New Horizon – Issue 29

  • ICS Presents Books to Simon’s Town School
  • CIANAM To Meet in Washington
  • ECASBA Seminar 2010/European Maritime Day
  • European Commission Unveils Work Programme for 2010
  • EMSA to Introduce Revised PSC Inspection Regime
  • South Africa – SAASOA Elects New Chairman and Vice Chairman
  • FONASBA Helps SAASOA Secure Reduction in Port Tariff Increase
  • Peru – Dialogue with Ministries Over Additional Port Costs
  • USA – ASBA Elects New President
  • Finland – Association Elects New Chairman at 90th Anniversary Celebrations
  • Morocco – Port Modernisation Plan
  • Netherlands – WCO Recognises John Stolk

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The New Horizon – Issue 28

  • 2009 Annual Meeting Report
  • Membership Expands in Asia
  • FONASBA Quality Standard Update
  • Brazil Hosts Ceremony to Award First Quality Certificates
  • Port Procedures Survey Launched
  • INTERTANKO Revises Agency Clause
  • Slovenia Celebrates FONASBA’s 40th Anniversary at Annual Dinner
  • Influential US Report Calls for Rethink on 100% Scanning
  • Member Association Reports
  • CIANAM Meeting
  • Netherlands
  • Peru
  • Kenya
  • South Africa
  • New Parliament and Commission
  • European Developments Update

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The New Horizon – Issue 27

  • 2009 Annual Meeting Update
  • ICC Calls on Governments to Support Rotterdam Rules
  • FONASBA Attends French Association Meeting
  • FONASBA Quality Standard Update
  • ECASBA 4th Brussels Seminar a Major Success
  • ECASBA Speaks at European Maritime Day Event

Read more…


The New Horizon – Issue 26

  • Quality Standard Takes Off
  • Annual Meeting 2008
  • John W. Barclay
  • ECASBA 2008 Brussels Seminar Programme Finalised

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The New Horizon – Issue 25

  • IMO Consultative Status Confirmed
  • Peruvian Association Joins FONASBA
  • FONABA Quality Standard Launched
  • 2007 Annual Meeting Report
  • Recent Membership Detail Changes
  • Commission Publishes Communications on Logistics, Maritime, and Port Policy
  • Visit to Brussels November 2007
  • ECASBA Brussels Seminar 2008

Read more…

The New Horizon – Issue 24

  • Revised Newsletter Format
  • FONASBA Attends First IMO Meeting
  • New Membership Activity
  • CIANAM Annual Meeting – Paris:
  • Australia to Introduce Maritime Crew Visa
  • 2007 Annual Meeting Update
  • South African Association Changes Name and Structure
  • US Continues to Push for 100% Container Scanning
  • Updated FONSABA Website Now Online
  • Second Brussels Workshop is Major Success
  • ECASBA Presentation to Naples Port Policy Workshop
  • ECASBA Presents Port Policy Views at ESPO Annual Meeting
  • DG-TAXUD Introduces Cash Reporting Procedure
  • ECASBA Young Members Initiative

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The New Horizon – Issue 23

  • FONASBA Granted IMO Consultative Status
  • Marrakech Annual Meeting Report
  • Annual Meeting Makes Headlines in Morocco
  • Executive Committee Membership 2006/8
  • European Update
  • ECASBA Seminar 2007

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The New Horizon – Issue 22

  • ECASBA Brussels Seminar Report
  • ISPS Code Clause Adopted
  • EC Maritime and Transport Policy Reviews
  • Quality Assurance in Morocco
  • South Africa – Mission Statement
  • European Update
  • CIANAM Chile Meeting

Read more…

The New Horizon – Issue 21

  • EU Port Services Directive Withdrawn
  • Port Services Directive – What Next?
  • ISPS CODE Compliance – Warning to Agents
  • FONASBA Signs up to INTERTANKO Poseidon Challenge
  • European Update
  • CIANAM Membership Increases
  • IMO Amends IMO-FAL Form

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The New Horizon – Issue 20

  • Toyko Annual Meeting Report
  • EU Maritime Policy Initiative
  • FONABA Cookbook Launched
  • INTERTANKO Calls for Realistic Agency Fees
  • 2006 Annual Meeting Date

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The New Horizon – Issue 19

  • Bulgarian Association Promoted To Full Membership
  • FONASBA attends BIMCO Centenary Celebrations
  • ECASBA Presents Port Services Directive Proposal To European Parliament
  • ECASBA visits Brussels
  • New Brussels Representative For ECASBA
  • ASBA Agent Certification Programme Completed
  • Tokyo Annual Meeting Plans Finalised
  • EU Maritime Developments Summary
  • New Newsletter Format
  • CIANAM Holds Second Annual Meeting

Read more…

The New Horizon – Issue 18

  • Advisory Panel and Executive Committee Meet
  • ECASBA attends European Maritime Industries Forum
  • 2005 Annual Meeting
  • Port Services Directive v2 – National action required
  • CIANAM to hold meeting in Uruguay
  • Hellenic Shipbrokers Association elects new Board
  • FONASBA London Secretariat
  • Late News

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The New Horizon – Issue 17

  • Budapest Annual Meeting
  • New President and Executive Committee Elected
  • 2005/6 Annual Meetings
  • ECASBA Brussels Office
  • ITIC Issues Warning on Switch Bills of Lading

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The New Horizon – Issue 16

  • Budapest Annual Meeting
  • Romanian Association joins FONASBA
  • French and Israeli Associations elect new Presidents
  • CIANAM appoints first Executive board
  • ASBA introduces minimum standards for membership
  • ISPS code implementation in Morrocco
  • European Commission completes overhaul of competition rules and procedures
  • De Palacio proposes revised Port Services Directive
  • Netherlands to assume EU Presidency

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The New Horizon – Issue 15

  • FONASBA to strengthen London secretariat
  • European Parliament votes down Port Services Directive
  • Executive Committee and Advisory Panel meet
  • ICS Professional Education Programme
  • President attends Irish Association dinner
  • Personnel Changes
  • In Memoriam – Lt. Cdr. Liam Smith

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The New Horizon – Issue 14

  • Successful Annual Meeting
  • Mexico joins FONASBA
  • FONASBA attends BIMCO General Meeting
  • Enhanced FONASBA website on line
  • Interim ECASBA representative appointed
  • In Memoriam – Jean Pierre Besman

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The New Horizon – Issue 13

  • Annual Meeting – Istanbul
  • FONASBA Office Relocates
  • Advisory & Executive Committees Meet
  • President Takes On Senior Role In ESN
  • Expansion In Latin America Makes Good Progress
  • Website Upgrade Underway
  • EU Developments Update
  • FONASBA TO Contribute To Chemical Cargo Safety Programme

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The New Horizon – Issue 12

  • Advisory Panel And Executive Committee Meet
  • Liner Agents Remuneration Survey
  • New Members
  • Port Services Directive Update
  • ECASBA Port Policy Working Group Port Policy
  • Harmonisation Of Intermodal Loading Units
  • FEPORT Celebrates 10th Anniversary
  • FONASBA London Office Move

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The New Horizon – Issue 11

  • U.S. Invokes 24 Hour Manifest Rule
  • EU Opposition to CSI Measures
  • FONASBA Annual Meeting Rio 2002
  • ECASBA Attends European MIF Meeting
  • And Finally…

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The New Horizon – Issue 10

  • Annual Meeting – Rio De Janeiro
  • Port Security Measures
  • Council Of Ministers Agrees Text On Port Services Directive
  • Membership Contact Details

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The New Horizon – Issue 9

  • President Hosts China Delegation
  • Dubai Association Becomes Newest Member
  • Finnish Association – New Secretary / Contact Details
  • European Commission Proposes New Industry Profession
  • Strong Support For UK Short Sea Shipping Promotion Bureau
  • Request For Input

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The New Horizon – Issue 8

  • SL & GAA Achieves BIMCO Approval
  • Documents On FONASBA Website
  • Plans For Rio Annual Meeting Well Advanced
  • Advisory Panel And Executive Committee Meet
  • Membership News
  • Newsletter Dispatch By E-mail

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The New Horizon – Issue 7

  • Antwerp Annual Meeting Report
  • New Greek Federation Formed
  • Late News

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The New Horizon – Issue 6

  • FONASBA Gives Further Support to ASBA Over Mississippi Tugs
  • Brussels Proposes New Transport Promotion Initiative
  • Norgrain South
  • Membership Information
  • Publisher To Withdraw ‘Ships Agent & Broker’ Magazine
  • Norwegian Victory On VAT On Broker’s Commissions
  • Antwerp Annual Meeting

Read more …

The New Horizon – Issue 5

  • ECASBA Comments On Recent EU Proposals
  • The Ship’s Agent & Broker
  • Despatch Of FONASBA Documents
  • 2001 Annual Meeting – Antwerp
  • Membership News
  • ECASBA Internet Education Project Update

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The New Horizon – Issue 4

  • Edouard De Clebsattel
  • A Tribute From The President
  • European Commission Draft Directive On Vessel Documentation
  • ECASBA Advisory Panel And FONASBA Executive Committee
  • Change Of Contact Details

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The New Horizon – Issue 3

  • Message From The New President
  • Annual Meeting – Paris
  • Membership Changes
  • Equasis

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