With the environmental and sustainability profile of shipping under scrutiny as never before, all the component sectors must play their part in achieving real reductions in emissions and enhancements in sustainability – and ship agents and ship brokers are no different.
Compared to the shipping and port sectors, for example, the overall emissions footprint of both professions is relatively small, but the role of the broker and agent in guiding, informing, and supporting shipowners and charterers, from the fixing of the vessel to completion of the port call, means they have a specific and influential role to play in ensuring that the voyage is as clean and green as possible.
With COP26 imminent, and to encourage the ship broking and ship agency sectors to take positive action to support the overall aims of reducing emissions and enhancing sustainability, FONASBA has issued a Sustainable Development Declaration. Equally applicable to those working directly in those professions as to the national associations that support and represent them, and to FONASBA itself, the Declaration provides guidance to enable ship agents and ship brokers in playing an active and effective role alongside other industry partners.

A copy of the Declaration can be found here
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