FONASBA’s primary decision making body is the Council, which consists of representatives of all the Full Members. The Council meets at the Annual Meeting, which is held in October in the country of domicile of a Full Member.
Each country represented has one vote, that vote being shared if there is more than one association in a particular country.
Associate and Club Members enjoy all the benefits of Full Membership, but do not have a vote.
The Executive Committee is nominated every two years by Council and is responsible to Council for the management of the Federation and, through the Regional Vice Presidents, for developing FONASBA membership.
Operationally, FONASBA is organised into three committees, each covering a specific sector of the agency and broking industry. Each committee is supported by an Advisory Panel comprised of senior people with direct and relevant experience of the issues covered by the committee.
All three committees are further supported by working groups which bring additional expertise and knowledge to assist the committee members.
The London based Secretariat is responsible for all aspects of the administration of FONASBA.
Organisation chart 2023. Click on the image to enlarge.
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