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FONASBA Presentation

A presentation detailing FONASBA’s structure, governance, activities and initiatives is available for download in two versions using the links below:
PowerPoint version (11 mb)
PDF version
Issue date: 02.11.2023

FONASBA Newsletters

Copies of our most recent Newsletters can be found on the Newsletters page here

ECASBA Position Papers

ECASBA has issued the following Position Papers to summarise its stated positions on key issues affecting its members. The papers are intended for use as a guide for both external bodies, such as the institutions of the European Union, and ECASBA’s own members, with the objective of ensuring a consistent message is promoted at both EU and national level. ECASBA members are encouraged to refer to the Position Papers in their discussions with their own national authorities on these issues. The latest version of each paper, issued in October 2022 can be downloaded below.

Harmonisation of Border Controls (General)
Customs Procedures
E-Maritime, Single Windows, Digitalisation
Recognition of Agents
Schengen Area – Border Visas for Seafarers/EES

The suite of papers will be kept under regular review and others added as new issues of concern to ship agents and ship brokers arise. Existing papers will also be amended where necessary or appropriate.

Papers will also be withdrawn should an issue be resolved, as it the case with the undernoted paper on Veterinary Checks, which was published to address a specific issue in relation to checks on cargoes of animal original arriving in EU ports for onward transhipment to third countries. Following amendments to the relevant regulation in December 2019, the issue was satisfactorily resolved, and the paper was duly withdrawn. It is therefore included here for reference only.

Veterinary Checks – Cargoes of Animal Origin


ECASBA’s European Seminar 2024


ECASBA European Seminar

Amman Annual Meeting


ECASBA European Seminar

Antwerp Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting 2020

Newsletter 49
Circulated in April 2020

 ECASBA European Seminar, Brussels, February 2020


Newsletter 48
Circulated in November 2019

Annual Meeting 2019

Newsletter 47
Circulated in June 2019.

ECASBA News Update, March 2019
A report on the recent visit by ECASBA Chair Marco Tak and General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS to Brussels and the outcome of their discussions with officials from DG-MOVE (Transport & Mobility), DG-TAXUD (Customs) and DG-SANTE (Animal and Plant Health).

Newsletter 46
The edition of FONASBA’s Newsletter circulated at the end of January 2019.


Annual Meeting 2018

Newsletter 45
The FONASBA Newsletter sent to members on 4th July 2018.

ECASBA European Seminar Barcelona 2018

2018 FONASBA Governance Handbook
The definitive, practical guide to the rules, policies and procedures governing the operation of FONASBA.


2017 Annual Meeting Dubai

2017 ECASBA Seminar Brussels


2016 Annual Meeting London

2016 ECASBA Seminar Lisbon


2015 Annual Meeting Vitoria

2015 ECASBA Seminar Brussels


2014 Annual General Meeting – Gothenburg

2014 ECASBA Seminar Naples – Presentations


2013 Annual Meeting Lima – Presentations

2013 ECASBA Seminar Hamburg – Presentations


2012 Annual General Meeting – Venice

2012 ECASBA Seminar Brussels – Presentations


2011 Annual General Meeting – Sydney

2011 ECASBA Seminar Brussels – Presentations


2010 Annual General Meeting

2010 ECASBA Seminar Gijon – Presentations


2009 Annual General Meeting

2009 ECASBA Seminar Brussels – Presentations


2008 Annual General Meeting

2008 ECASBA Seminar Brussels – Presentations


2007 Annual General Meeting

2007 ECASBA Seminar Brussels – Presentations