FONASBA returned to holding a physical Annual Meeting in 2022, with delegates gathering in Antwerp from 23rd to 25th May.
Copies of the presentations made during the plenary meetings of the Standing Committees and the Council Meeting can be found below, together with the formal minutes.
ECASBA Plenary Meeting
European Issues Update – A summary of ECASBA’s actions and initiatives in response to policy actions taken by the European Commission. Presented by General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS and ECASBA Brussels Representative Frank Janssens
Import Control System 2 (ICS2): EU Advance Cargo Information – A presentation of the current status of the Import Control System 2 project, presented by Klemen Oven, Head of Sector, Risk Management and Security, Unit A.3 at DG-TAXUD
ECASBA Plenary Meeting Minutes
Ship Broker Plenary Meeting
BIMCO Documentary Committee Report – An update from Stinne Taiger Ivø, BIMCO’s Director, Contracts and Support, on recent activity within the Committee.
ITIC Claims Review – A guide by Mark Brattman, Claims Director at ITIC, to issues and practices that have recently led to claims against ship brokers and ship agents.
Ship Agent Plenary Meeting
FONASBA Quality Standard – An update on the current status of the FONASBA Quality Standard, presented by General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS
FONASBA Membership Surveys – A summary of current levels of responses by Members to the surveys carried out on their behalf. Presented by General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS
FONASBA Infectious Diseases Protocols – An update on the current status of the project to guide ship agents in ensuring continued service provision to vessels during future health emergencies of international concern. Presented by General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS
“Delivering Sustainable Cruising” – A presentation by Marie-Caroline Laurent, Director General of CLIA Europe, on the value of the cruise sector and how it will maintain service levels whilst recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing sustainability and achieving net zero cruising by 2050
“The Ship Agent in a Green World” – A presentation by Regional Vice President for the Middle East and South Asia Dr. Dureid Mahasneh, on the issues facing ship agents in relation to climate change and the greening of the shipping industry.
Association Best Practices Plenary Meeting
“Remaining Relevant in Turbulent Times” – A presentation by Marc Mestdagh, Association Expert with 2Mpact/BSA
UNCTAD National Trade Facilitation Committees – A short presentation providing information to Members on the establishment by UNCTAD of National Trade Facilitation Committees, the background to their aims and objectives and encouragement to FONASBA members to join their local Committee. Presented by Committee Chair Jeanne Cardona.
Member Association Presentations: Presentations of notable actions undertaken locally by Centro de Navegación (Argentina) and the Jordan Shipping Association (Jordan). A video presentation by SAASOA (South Africa) can be viewed below.
Association Best Practices Plenary Minutes
Inspiring our Future Plenary Meeting
Opening Address by the Vice Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Justice and the North Sea, Mr. Vincent Van Quickenborne.
“THE PORT OF THE FUTURE” – A presentation by Mr. William De Moor, Chief Commercial Officer of the Port of Antwerp, on how the role of the port will change in the future.
“THE AGENT OF THE FUTURE”– Presentations by representatives of three shipping companies on how they see shipping operators developing in the future. They will also present their views on how the ship agent of the future may have to adapt to continue to meet the Principal’s needs and expectations. Presenters: Catrin Scheers, CEO Fast-LInes, Ivo Maglizza, NYK Group and Capt. Marc Nuytemans of the Flanders Blue Cluster
“The Impact of Technologies in the Maritime Sector from a Ship Agent’s Vision” – A presentation by Ms. Ana Ruiz Garcia de los Rios, Winner of the 2021 Young Agent and Broker award, on the conclusions expressed in her paper and the underlying research.
Inspiring our Future Plenary Minutes
Council Meeting
President’s Term Review – A review by FONASBA President Aziz Mantrach of the actions and developments that have taken place within FONASBA during his term of office.
FONASBA Secretariat Update – A summary by General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS of recent changes in the provision of Secretariat services to the Federation.
Finance and Funding – A report on the state of the Federation’s finances, updates on budgets, membership fees and compliance with statutory obligations. Presented by Honorary Treasurer Botond Szalma.
Regional Reports: Summaries of developments and activities across FONASBA’s regions, presented by:
Javier Dulce, Regional Vice President for the Americas
Takazo Iigaki, Regional Vice President for Asia
Antonio Belmar da Costa, Regional Vice President for Europe, and
Dr. Dureid Mahasneh, Regional Vice President for the Middle East and South Asia.
Education Report – An update on FONASBA’s Education programme, including collaboration with member Associations. Presented by Education Vice President Capt. Jakov Karmelić.
External Relationships – An overview by General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS of FONASBA’s working relationships with external bodies and organisations and the issues addressed.
Annual Meeting 2023 – An update by the Bahrain Shipping Agents Association on the plans for the October 2023 Annual Meeting.
Nomination of Officers 2022 – 2024 – Details of the candidates for Officers of the Federation for the coming term, all of whom were duly elected.
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