ECASBA’s European Seminar took place in Funchal Madeira in April 2024, thanks to the generous hospitality of our Portugal Member AGEPOR.
The seminar programme covered traditional subjects such as customs developments and single window projects and, delegates had the opportunity to discuss some burning issues during the breakout sessions covering:
> Environment
> Reporting Formalities
> Human Element
In the afternoon AGEPOR organised a presentation by the Portuguese Port Authorities Association (APP) on the Portuguese port sector, followed by a panel discussion on the role of the ship agent in the development of ports.
Panellists: The President of APP (Portuguese Ports Association) (tbc), Mr. João Silva (President of AGEPOR) and Mr. Rui D’Orey (Vice-President AGEPOR).
Also on the programme a presentation by the Cruise Lines Industry Association (CLIA) on the European cruise market,
followed by a panel discussion. Panellists: Martyn Griffiths (Director, Public Affairs & Media) CLIA Europe, Paula Cabaço (President of
APRAM – Ports of Madeira) and Eduardo Cabrita (MSC Cruises Portugal). Moderator: Antonio Belmar da Costa.
The delegates were offered a presentation by Dr. Albrecht Gundermann, Managing Owner of Euromar: “The Madeira Shipping
Registry. 10 years of Growth! Is that so?”
Copies of the presentations given during the seminar can be downloaded below:
Portuguese Port Authorities Association (APP)
Click to access APP_Portuguese-Ports.pdf
Click to access FJ-CUSTOMS-UPDATE.pdf
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