How might the traditional role of the ship agent and the ship broker change?
FONASBA General Manager Jonathan C. Williams FICS has joined with colleagues Associate Professor Mikael Lind of Research Institutes of Sweden, Sue Probert, Chair of UN /CEFACT and Juan Carlos Croston VP Marketing and Corporate Affairs at Manzanillo International Terminal to look at the way new technologies in information sharing will change how ship agents and ship brokers work and interact with other players in the international maritime chain.
The article suggests that ship agents and ship brokers should leverage the unique level of information they already possess to become hubs for the exchange of data across the ship/port interface and drive changes in the way business is carried out, whilst at the same time adding even more value to the services provided to their principals.
The article has also been published in The Smart Maritime Network , the Maritime Executive and Shipinsight (Please note that this latter article requires a sign-in).
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