Introduction to FONASBA

FONASBA was formed in 1969 to speak speak with authority on behalf of the shipping profession in so far as shipbrokers and agents are concerned, to promote fair and equitable practices in those professions, to co-operate with other international maritime bodies and to consult and advise on any matters of concern to the shipping industry.

Full membership of the Federation is open only to national associations or similar organisations of shipbrokers and agents and is confined to one such body per country. Associate membership may be granted to other shipping entities, including individual companies, at the discretion of the Council, while Club membership is granted to companies and organisations that provide specific insurance, consultancy or information services to shipbrokers and agents.

The current Full membership of the Federation comprises 38 countries represented by national organisations with a further 11 countries represented by Associate or Candidate members. There are 5 Club members.

The Federation conducts its business through a secretariat based in London which supports an Executive Committee comprising the President, Vice President and Chairman of Committees.

Operating as a standard committee of FONASBA is the European Community Association, ECASBA, a federation of the national associations of the maritime member and applicant member nations of the European Union. ECASBA exists specifically to provide a contact point with the European Commission and those of its directories that have an involvement with shipping.

FONASBA also has two additional standing committees, one of which handles liner and tramp matters and the other chartering and documentary affairs. These committees are in turn supported by sub-committees reflecting specialised activities such as tanker broking and sale and purchase.

FONASBA has consultative status with the International Maritime Organisation, UNCTAD and the World Customs Organisation, as well as close associations with BIMCO, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO, as well as other shipping bodies.

For further information please contact:

Mr. J.C. Williams, FICS – General Manager – at

FONASBA, The Baltic Exchange, St. Mary Axe, LONDON EC3A 8BH

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7623 3113, E-mail: